Monday, April 30, 2012


Nobody much cares about anyone else's kitchen renovation except a mom. And these are for her. She often cannot bring up pictures I send her thru email...for some reason her Apple is obstinate (I hate Apple) when receiving pics from a PC. Anywhoo, mama, I will delete this whole post after you see these, but you have heard all my cranky complaining about the chaos of renovation and you deserve to see the end result. I am so happy with all of it. A kitchen that is finally of the 21st century!! BUT.....if I ever bring up the subject of another home remodeling, Mom, please shoot me.

Mom, the new sink is fathoms deep!!

This is the quartz countertop

My sweet hubbie putting together a microwave cart for me.

He did a great job!


Cole said...

Well, I'm obviously not your Mom but I think it looks beautiful!! =)

Unknown said...


I have been posting comments to your last posts but it's been via my iPod while I'm in bed so I don't think they stuck!

Been thinking/praying for you during your latest trials. I HATE the pill stuck in the throat feeling. HATE IT! I actually shuddered when I read you were dealing with that.

I am thanking God His tender mercies are new every morning.

My back has been HORRIBLE and I've been thanking God for giving me a reminder to pray for YOU!

Unknown said...

LOOOOOOOOVE the countertop!

Anonymous said...

It is BEAUTIFUL Mary- went thru my own kitchen remodel a few years back- it is soooo nice when it is finally done.
Do take care my friend, think of you each day - remember to look to the stars, my prayers are coming your way !
Love ya