Thursday, April 16, 2020


this is written with my right index finger and will not have any caps. my left arm is still lame. i am working on strengthening it daily, and i can now bend my wrist back and forth and touch my thumb to my left index finger. this is progress that excites me.

my biggest news is the arrival of our first grandbaby. i will attach a few pictures. her name is Isla Gray Ekstrom . her name is pronounced eye-la. i have lost my status as richie's best girl.  we are both pretty smitten. he thinks we should move so he can be her babysitter! i grieve not living closer to them

coronavirus has kept us quarantined for 5 weeks. both of us are at high risk because of our ages, and my lungs are compromised already. if i ever got it, i could die. richie goes once a week, masked of course, to walmart for groceries and toiletries. nobody, except our hospice nurse has entered our house. all of the dear families from church who bring meals to us pass off the food on the porch and leave. dick took me on a wheelchair ride around the block on a very warm day and i loved getting untrapped from the house.

we are praying bold spiritual warfare prayers every day for richie's legs and sleep and my healing from cancer. we know we are fighting satan in these battles, but we won't accept what he is trying to do. we bind and rebuke him in jesus' name and use scripture to back up our requests.

on that happy note, my finger is getting weary and my hubby is making me lunch. i hope to keep blogging as long as i can.


Jon & Mae said...

She is absolutely beautiful! So happy you were able to see and hold her during this pandemic. Distance is hard. Continued prayers for you all. Love, Jon & Mae

Ireta Ekstrom said...

The look on the faces of the new grandparents says it all. Truly a blessed addition to the Ekstrom family!

Unknown said...

Happy Days!
What joy to see yours.

Becca Jordre said...

What a beautiful granddaughter! Congratulations to you all! I continue praying for you. I hope the weather warms up so you can enjoy more trips around the block!

Anonymous said...

Feeling a massive flood of emotions right now. So happy to have "found" you. Terry Walters had written me and told me you were sick. I was amazed at what a small world it is. Steve was the pastor at my church after I became a Christian and he was the one to marry Randy and I. Your current pastor is the son of a pastor I know here. Small world.
I can't believe Sam is a dad. What a beautiful little family. We live in Brooklyn Park which is near Minneapolis. I teach 2nd grade and Randy is an accountant for a realty firm. Both boys are now living at home and one is finishing college. (LONG ROAD)
I found you on here and am so so sad you have to deal with this crap. Your faith is beautiful. You are so right. He is so under control and has perfect plans for us. We've been through the wringer on several big things in our family but I will not let Satan steal my faith.
Mary, I am so sorry we ever lost touch. When I read about the cabin I thought, "Why didn't I drive there every summer?" I remember how beautiful it was.
Most of all I remember YOU were exactly the friend I needed in Duluth. THose were the driest time relationally of our whole lives. It was miraculous to have children there but it was a very lonely time. It never felt like home. I remember the first time we talked like it was yesterday. We were standing around after a service at East Ridge and Sam was running up and down a ramp. He was moving fast as lightning. I said, "He is darling!" Without missing a beat you said, "He's a miracle." Within seconds we bonded over infertility. I remember all the phone calls and visits discussing thermometers and temperatures of the day. You were there for me every step of the way right up to coming to the hospital at dawn while I was giving birth because I was convinced he was coming any minute. He ended up coming at 5PM. Pretty funny.
I still share your SAM book with moms struggling with infertility but I always make sure I get it back. I love that book.
My favorite times were just the times we hung out at your house. My favorite thing to do with you was TALK.
I am so thankful Dick is there helping you as we all know he would. What a good man.
I pressed follow on this blog so I hope I can continue hearing from you. Most of all, your faith is shining. You ARE glorifying God like your blog's goal said you desired. That is beyond beautiful. What do people do without Jesus? The older I get the more perplexed I get as I think of that question. I am so thankful you have clung tight to Him. He is so pleased with you. He is so delighted with your heart.
I am so proud to call you friend. Thank you. I love you. Muggy
P.S. Do you still have a turkey baster? :).

Unknown said...
