Thursday, April 28, 2016


I am always sad when I hear a Christian say, “I am just an imperfect sinner saved by grace.”

As if that is all we are.

True, we ARE sinners, and true, we are saved by God’s grace, but the saving means so very much more. We need to know our identity in Christ.

One of the most exciting things about being a Christian is knowing God sees us with no flaw or imperfection because we are seen by Him through the lens of His perfect Son (Col 2:10, 2 Cor 5:21). That is given to us as a gift through the death and resurrection of Christ. That fact underlies our identity, or our position in Christ’s family.

What IS our position in Christ? Christian friends, we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17). HEIRS! The Bible says we are seated with God in heaven at the Father’s right hand. (Heb 10:12).

Heirs of the Creator of the Universe, with all the rights and privileges that go along with being His heirs. We are royalty in the kingdom of heaven!!! Jesus’ brothers and sisters!

Just sinners saved by grace?

Oh, so very much more than this. In many places the Bible says:

We are saved.
We are new creations.
We are rescued.
We are redeemed.
We are blessed.
We are favored
We are delivered.

We shouldn’t diminish or be modest about who we are in Christ. I believe the Lord wants us to celebrate our identity in Him.

John tells us that Christ is in us and we are in Him and He is in the Father (John 17:21). An intertwined family, with God the Father our Papa, our Abba (Gal 4:6).

I want to be a believer who calls myself not just a saved sinner, but as GOD sees me: (Psalm 5:12)

…..a richly blessed and highly favored daughter of the King!

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