Friday, April 6, 2012


Today and Sunday are the two most important days of my life. Every year. Without Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday, I am a sinner bound for hell just like every other human being. Those two days are gifts that are beyond my ability to comprehend. God loves us so much that He allowed Jesus to give His life for us so that we wouldn’t have to pay the high price for our sins…..hell and eternal separation from God. The blood He shed paid the price, and if we believe in Jesus, acknowledge His sacrifice, and choose to follow Him, we have the free gift of salvation.

God desperately wants His children to know Him, love Him, serve Him, and accept the salvation He offers. Any moment of any day, we can make Jesus our Lord. He longs for us to do that. I hope that if you do not know Jesus today, you will find Him. He is as close as your next breath and is waiting for you to tell Him that yes, you are a sinner and that you can’t journey through this life without His love and guidance.

I cannot imagine my life without Christ. It is unthinkable to me. Any meaning to my existence pales in comparison to knowing and trusting Him. I relate to the apostle Paul’s feeling expressed in the fourth chapter of Philippians: Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.


And so on this Easter holiday, this great time of rejoicing that Jesus grabbed the keys to hell and death out of Satan’s hands forever, I wish you all a wonderful weekend with family and friends. If He is not already there, I pray that Christ will find a home in your heart. Easter blessings to you all, and one more time, I thank all of you readers who have not allowed my name to be erased from your prayer list all these months. I am so humbled by your devotion to praying for my healing. By the power of the resurrection, I believe it shall be so!

1 comment:

Cole said...

Such a beautiful devotion, Mary!! Thank you so much for sharing your gift of writing. It has been an honor to pray for you daily and to watch God's promises being fulfilled. I am in awe of His power and His love. Grace is such an overwhelming thought to me that I cry with joy each time I think of that kind of love and devotion. Love you & hope your Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday are filled with joy and celebration!!