Friday, February 27, 2015


One of my devotionals today spoke to me through its words: SHARE THIS. And so I do.

Jesus already knows the cost of grace. He already knows the price of forgiveness.
But He offers it anyway.

God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8

God didn’t look at our frazzled lives and say, “I’ll die for you when you deserve it.” No, despite our sin, in the face of our rebellion, He chose to adopt us.

Jesus Died for Our Sins

As a young boy, I read a Russian fable about a master and a servant who went on a journey to a city. Many of the details I’ve forgotten, but the ending I remember. Before the two men could reach the destination, they were caught in a blinding blizzard. They lost their direction and were unable to reach the city before nightfall.

The next morning concerned friends went searching for the two men. They finally found the master, frozen to death, face down in the snow. When they lifted him they found the servant — cold but alive. He survived and told how the master had voluntarily placed himself on top of the servant so the servant could live.

I hadn’t thought of that story in years. But when I read what Christ said He would do for us, the story surfaced — for Jesus is the Master who died for the servants.

I was given mercy so that in me, the worst of all sinners, Christ Jesus could show that He has patience without limit. - 1 Timothy 1:16

Our Savior kneels down and gazes upon the darkest acts of our lives. But rather than recoil in horror, He reaches out in kindness and says, “I can clean that if you want.” And from the basin of His grace, He scoops a palm full of mercy and washes away our sin.

Our faith does not earn God’s love any more than our stupidity jeopardizes it. The cross was heavy, the blood was real, and the price was extravagant. It would have bankrupted you or me, so He paid it for us.

Call it simple. Call it a gift. But don’t call it easy.

Call it what it is. Call it grace.

Max Lucado

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


One of my second-graders shyly came up to me today and said, "Mrs. E., what color is your hair?"

"Well," I answered, "when I have hair, it is brown, about the same shade as yours."

"Do you have any hair right now?" she asked.

"No, I don't."

Her eyes got (seriously) big as saucers and she turned quickly and walked back to her seat.

I could barely stifle my laughter. 

Monday, February 23, 2015


Have to share the very very sweet drawing my niece Betsy made for me. She is an amazing artist. She posted it on my Facebook page, but many of you can't see it there, so I wanted to show off her work. If I thought I looked even half as good as this drawing, I would be proud!! :) 

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Our family stands at the foot of the cross today, humbly accepting another gift from God. Our med reports from yesterday were so good. 

When they found a brain full of cancer, the medical contingent felt that it was probable that tumors were metastasizing in other parts of my body, quite possibly in the liver, kidneys or bones.

What we were given yesterday was wonderful news that there is no growing or spreading tumors anywhere. There is a spot on the primary tumor we will "watch," but it has no evidence of acceleration in any way.

Our family of three continues to have unwavering faith in the promises of the Word of God that healing----total and complete----will be ours. Based on His Word and nothing else.

To all my amazing blog followers who are my best friends and extended family, thank you for asking about, praying about, standing in faith with us, and wrapping us in your love.

To God be the glory, once again.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Potluck club is a highlight of our month. 6 great friends gather to share a meal, laugh and talk, play a game, or watch a game on TV. It's one of those dates we love penning onto our calendars every month.

Well, last night was February's meal. 

So, I got to thinking last night, after serving up this new concoction of mine, Peppermint White Chocolate Cream Fudge Eclairs, that I better show it to my Anna, Kate, Bets, and Gretch. I want my nieces to be reassured that brain cancer has not taken out the cells that can keep sweets out of the Hieb repertoire. Auntie Em can still "sweet poopy" any occasion and you need not fear, dear ones!!

For my praying friends, tomorrow is my CT scan which will tell us if there are any live tumors growing anywhere in my body. If there are, they will want a biopsy in Denver. Please pray AGAINST every cancer cell in the name of Jesus!! Thanks!

Monday, February 16, 2015


Seems like the stubble is hanging on for the moment, so I'm not gonna get that nice shiny, smooth head after all. So, I think we are off. They say 4-6 months for renewal. My fervent prayer is that by some miracle, I could have an inch of growth in less than 4 months (for the wedding). I would rather have a close cropped "military cut" for the wedding than the wig that is not me (I'll show you that soon and you'll agree). 

Ordered a few turbans and I am good to go!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


We got to stage 2 yesterday. Still lots of stubble. Hate to think I am shedding hair all over my food and house but I am pretty sure that's happenin'! Ha!!

Friday, February 13, 2015



Richie and I decided to start easy and get the feel for the new look. He went down to 1/2 inch. This I could live with! But no, the 1/2 inch stubble is still falling out. I'm guessing that by Sunday, we could see a shine. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Clumps of hair are filling my wastebaskets. One finger-brush through my scalp yields a good 30-50 strands, I suppose. I look at the heap piling up and I think, well, if I just don't touch it, maybe half of it won't be lost. 

My scalp feels like it is on fire. They told me that would happen from the radiation. No remedy.

I am not ready for Richie to get out his shaver yet.

I imagine that I am not unlike most. There is that image in the mirror that is the us that we know. Familiarity.

I am the least vain woman on the planet when it comes to hair. I keep it super short so that out of the shower I basically "shake it out" and go. I am very low maintenance. My hair is not my "crowning glory" and I don't labor over it ever.

And yet.

It is hair. It is mine. It covers me.

ACS let me choose a wig. There was nothing that was "me." I got one closest to my style but I don't like it. It is wiggy. It is artificial. It is not me.

I think I will stick to trying to find some pretty turbans or caps.

My sister-in-law Shirleen, who walked cancer's path 20 years ago (and won), assured me that she knows someone who can make me something elegant and beautiful to wear for Sam's wedding. I don't want pictures that will show "mop-head wig."

And so there are some tears in my near 48 hours, I am afraid. They will need to be released, and then I will be OK.

God's Holy Word says in Luke 12:7 that God has numbered the very hairs on my head. I believe every word God says in His Scriptures. If He said it, He meant it. And so Richie and I prayed last night that in His infinite mercy, He would return the exact same number to every follicle.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I am so humbled that “there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). I am so grateful that I have a God who can take my anger and my insults and my why-have-you-forsaken-me screams and only whisper in my ear…

Daughter, it’s OK. No guilt. I made you and I understand you and your hurt. I felt forsaken too once. You’re OK. I know you love me. I’ve got you in my arms. Get it out. I love you with an everlasting love. Every word of your anger….past, present and future…..was forgiven at the foot of my cross. There is no condemnation.

The amber glow of God’s face.

His face of pure grace.

Soft waves blowing words from the Lord from Georgia to SD, as my best friend, who has been given the spiritual gift of knowledge, calls with things God has put on her heart for us. When she asks the Holy Spirit to impart a word to someone through her, she speaks truth.

She said that God wants us right now to rest in Him. That He sees we are battle-weary. He wants us to know the battle is His. We are to take Romans 8:26 and know it as a living reality. When we just don’t know the words to pray, the Holy Spirit inside of us is groaning in words that cannot be expressed on earth to the throne room of the Father, making our needs known.

We are to rest and let Him do the battle.

I was immediately led to 2 Chron 2:15, 17, where the Spirit of the Lord said to King Jehoshaphat, fearing the Ammonites waging war around him: DO NOT BE AFRAID OR DISCOURAGED BECAUSE OF THIS VAST ARMY (brain tumors). FOR THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS, BUT GOD’S. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO FIGHT THIS BATTLE; TAKE UP YOUR POSITIONS; STAND FIRM AND SEE THE DELIVERANCE THE LORD WILL GIVE YOU.



Waves of blessed peace.

Our inner circle of prayer warriors has notched it up around us with incredible love and support and powerful prayer. Two men that we just met in December in Iowa have been faithfully calling on conference calls to pray and rebuke the enemy. One night they called each other and prayed for nearly 2 hours just for me!

My dear friend Cole who also has been imparting words of knowledge from Lord sends me email prayers and encouragement that make me weep. Yesterday she said almost the EXACT same thing to us, verbatim, that our men friends said on the phone the night before. It gave me chills. All in context that cancer has become the medical Goliath in our culture today. And he is slayable. God gave both of them that word-picture for me to hang onto.

My faithful Ben and Hur, Mary Ruth and Julie, so on fire for us for healing, so unrelenting in faith standing with us, warring.

When the ancient Israelites offered up their grain on the altars, they were thanking the Lord for his mercies and for supplying their needs.


Sunday, February 1, 2015


Satan, with his evil intent to "steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10) the lives of God's children, can take his vile brain tumors and stick them where the sun don't shine.

More to come.