Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The nurse just called with my CBC results, and all looks great again. Thank you for praying! I feel so thankful to God for helping me choose the right chemo drugs that would keep my immune system in good working order while fighting the cancer cells. I am so happy that the white and red cells know exactly what they are supposed to be doing despite the barage of "poison" that is cruising around them every 3 weeks!!

I am starting today to cook up a storm of meals for the freezer to get us through the chemo-brain tunnel days of later next week. It sure takes the pressure off D every night knowing he doesn't have to come home and cook, though he would do so without complaint. Today was chow mein. 3 batches in the freezer, and one to eat tonight!

Thanks again for the prayers for my blood counts!! God is so good.

God has a designated time when His promises will be fulfilled and the prayers will be answered!  Jim Cymbala

Wherever you go, I will let you escape with your life.  Jeremiah 45:5


Cole said...

Oh Praise God!! That's the third piece of WONDERFUL news I've gotten today, thank you so much for sharing it!!

Anonymous said...

wooo hoooo such WONDERFUL news Mary !!!
Going to try the pie recipe- looked sooo good.
Enjoy your day and as always you are in my thoughts and prayers !