Friday, August 20, 2010


We are back from SF after the PET scan. I made it. The tech was very sensitive to my "tunnel anxiety," but each end was open so that helped greatly, plus she put a big fan at one end shooting cool air over me for the whole test, so I did fine. She piped some Christian music into the scanning room, so I really was able to just breathe deeply and relax.

Now is the wait. You know how you oftentimes just casually say, "Oh, that was the longest day of my life!" ????? Well, I will never use that phrase again. Because I know what "the longest days" really will be. The next 2 1/2 days waiting for the final test results about whether or not the cancer has metastaticized to other body parts. We will know late Monday afternoon after yet another set of pulmonary tests that I know nothing about.

We are hoping for a "normal"  (in our case, "new normal") night with Sam with his favorite food and we'll probably watch the Twins together before packing up the cars. We leave for his college early tomorrow morning. The goodbye will be hard. But he is ready for this exciting new journey. Pray for him, that he could focus in spite of all his worry about me.

I can't begin to thank so many of you who have been dropping by to hug me and cry with me, sending emails and cards, praying for me, calling,and offering meals. I am overwhelmed by all the love I feel here at home and from far-away  family and friends during this scary time. My mother raised me to write proper thank you notes, and I hope to get to them some day, but for right now, plese know that I treasure the support like never before in my life.

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